Barack Obama has realized that Sonia Sotomayor is a bad choice for the Supreme Court. He wants her confirmed before she is thoroughly examined by the Senate and the public. He's putting on the "Bum's Rush" to get her on the court before the Public starts applying heat to the Senate.
Maybe there ought to be a Constitutional Amendment where by NO ONE can be confirmed by the Senate until all their papers are made public, all their tax returns are made public, all their medical records are made public, all their Military records are made public, and then a list of mandatory questions to be answered are answered. Like "where is policy made?" "Absent of written law, how do you resolve a question of law?" "Does Race, Religion, Gender or Sexual Orientation trump the written law?"
Those are just a few questions that should be asked of ANY Supreme Court Nominee, but there are more. I am hoping that not only will they appear in comments, but that they will be asked of Ms. Sotomayor during her PUBLIC confirmation hearings, not the back door deal Obama has ordained.
We’re Not In The Best of Hands
20 hours ago
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