Mr. Pitts wrote a juvenile, if not churlish, column castigating one of his readers for the crime of disagreeing with Mr. Pitts over the meaning of Rush Limbaugh's statement that Mr. Limbaugh did not wish the President to succeed. Mr. Pitts, like the disgraced and dishonest organization, Media Matters, took an accurate quote out of context to score political points DISHONESTLY.
Mr. Limbaugh turned the rhetorical device of Democrat Appeasers upon the head appeaser, President Obama, in that Mr. Limbaugh states that he supports the President, but not the Presidents mission to turn America into a Socialist country. I would say, to be more accurate in the prediction, Mr. Obama will try to turn the US into another Zimbabwe failure.
How many Democrats said they supported the troops, but not the mission? When called on their dishonesty, the Democrats took umbridge at being called on their lack of patriotism. Again, the Liberals were wrong. It was their ethics and lack of cognitive reasoning that was called into question. Like Elaine Rattner on a US Naval Ship during the Gulf War and hoping the Iraq war fails, was confronted with the question of how many of her shipmates did she want to die, and which ones, Mr. Pitts chooses to let his Limbaugh Derangement Syndrome run wild and his brain to go dormant while he creates a strawman to beat his opponents with.
Democrats see Socialism as their ticket to perpetual power. They can not argue effectively to gain support for their ideas, but they must lie, be deceitful, and destroy all opposition in any way possible in order to feel that they won. Mr. Pitts subscribes to these tactics and instead of writing a column taking on criticisms of the "Pork for Life" bill, he goes to his favorite strawman, the schoolyard denials, and supposed "tit for tat". When your arguments can't win on their own merits, Democrats like Pitts obfuscate, deflect, and hide where they can not be challenged.
I have not commented upon the color of Mr. Pitts' skin, although his fellow Liberal Democrat columnists, Donna Brazile, Clarance Page, and Gwen Ifill would play the race card to attempt to stiffle opposition. I also did not refer to Democrat payback for Air America failing, or Democrat desires to avenge getting caught trying to steal the election in Florida in 2000, or for revenge for Impeaching Bill Clinton.
Mr. Pitts, out of thousands of emails you claimed to have received, don't you think you could have more honestly dealt with those disagreeing with you? Maybe if you weren't such an elitist looking down your nose at your readers, you might notice that your readers are going elsewhere for more honest opinions.
We’re Not In The Best of Hands
20 hours ago
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